He looked at the clock. Five more minutes and Friday would be over. He could shut down his computer, tidy up his desk and leave the office. Then the time had come. The screen went dark and the message “You can turn off the computer now” appeared. He should have felt guilty. After all, he had fallen well short of the daily targets today. But he knew that he had had a damn good week thanks to the contract with the logistics company and was therefore at the top of the monthly sales statistics. Suddenly his boss appeared behind him.
“Are you finished already?” she asked. But only to continue smugly: “Hopefully with the work and not just with your nerves.”
He felt her breath on his neck. How much he hated it when she stood behind him like that and looked over his shoulder. He had problems working under a woman anyway. He wouldn’t admit it publicly, but it was true. The fact that his boss was also an arrogant beast didn’t make it any better. How he would love to get up, turn around, put his hands under her skirt and let his fingers disappear into the dark place and really show her who’s the man of the house. Instead he said submissively: “I’m going to call it a day. I’ll see you on Monday. Have a nice weekend.”
Sex fantasies on the way home
As he drove home, he pictured in detail how he would get it on with his hated boss. After all, he knew his way around women. It was not for nothing that he had the reputation of a ladykiller in his local disco. With his six-foot-tall frame, faithful blue eyes and charming smile, he had already picked up a few one-night stands. It hadn’t been long enough for a long-term relationship since he split up with his childhood sweetheart, but at 24 he was in the prime of his life and he wanted to enjoy life.
When he unlocked the front door of his two-room apartment, he was almost in a good mood again. After all, the weekend was just around the corner and that meant nothing more than meeting up with friends, going to the disco and having fun with the girls. Why should he be annoyed with his boss? She was far away and certainly had her own problems. Without giving the office another thought, he took off his jacket, shirt, trousers and shoes and slipped into a comfortable house suit. Then he went into the kitchen and got a pizza from the freezer.
After he had eaten, he lay down for a while to be ready for the night. At 10 p.m. the alarm went off. Full of anticipation of a refreshing shower, he went into the bathroom and got himself presentable. He enjoyed these intimate moments in which he was completely alone. Some of his wives had accused him of spending more time in the bathroom than in bed. They said he was vain and self-absorbed. But of course that was not true. He simply had a pronounced need for care.
In the club
Shortly before midnight, he left his apartment in a great party mood. After a quarter of an hour’s drive, he reached the large parking lot in front of the discotheque and two minutes later he was swallowed up by the entrance. He went straight to the bar on the dance floor. There wasn’t much going on at this time. After he had fetched his bottle of whiskey and a Coke, he headed for the large table for eight people, where he had regularly met with his friends for years. Arriving on time ensures the best seats, and from his seat he had a perfect view of the newly arriving guests. Little by little, the whole gang trickled in. The obligatory bottles of vodka, gin and whiskey as well as various refrescos were already on the table. As always, the conversations were about cars, success in the job and current events. He was just telling us that he had booked his vacation to Gran Canaria and that this time he was definitely going there alone, when he thought he couldn’t believe his eyes. One of the two women who entered the disco at that moment bore a striking resemblance to his boss. No! That was his boss. What was she doing here? She was at least thirty-five, if not older. And what the old woman looked like! 10-centimeter stilettos, white blouse, black leather miniskirt and black leather jacket. What an embarrassing appearance. He was completely lost in his thoughts when the man next to him nudged him, glanced at the two women and said with a grin: “Look at these hot ladies. Just the right size for my father’s eldest.” It took him some time to think sensibly again, then his decision was made. She was here privately, he was here privately, let’s see if something happens. After all, he was playing at home and she had no other option than to say no.
Hit on the boss in the club
„Die in Leder ist meine,“ sagte Er zu seinem Sitznachbarn, der ihn angesprochen hatte, und erhob sich. Er ging in die VIP-Bar und bestellte sich einen Espresso. Er verfluchte die beiden Longdrinks, die er sich bereits rein geschüttet hatte.
‚Ich fick die Alte und in zwei Monaten habe ich ihren Job‘, schoss es ihm durch den Kopf, als er an der Bar stand. Auf solch eine Gelegenheit hatte er in seinen kühnsten Träumen nicht zu hoffen gewagt. Er war bereit. Immerhin war seine Mutter eine waschechte Gitana aus Malaga und sein Vater ein Nachkomme der Wikinger. Sein Plan stand fest. Er spülte den mittelmäßig schmeckenden Espresso mit einem Glas Selter runter und machte sich auf den Weg zum Kabuff des Diskjockeys. Dort griff er in seine Brieftasche und fingerte einen Fünfzig Euro Schein heraus.
„Salsa, in zwanzig Minuten!“, lauteten die Befehle des Stammgastes an den Musikverantwortlichen. Er ging zurück zum Tisch. „Komm, ich brauche deine Unterstützung“, brüllte er gegen den wummerten Beat an und zwinkerte einem seiner Kollegen zu. Kurz darauf machten sich die beiden Männer auf den Weg zu den zwei Frauen, die an der Bar standen, um sich einen Drink zu bestellen.
„Hallo die Damen, können wir helfen?“ Er schob seinen wuchtigen Körper zwischen zwei Barhocker und winkte der Tresenbedienung, einem hübschen Girl Anfang zwanzig, zu. „Was darf ich den Ladys bestellen?“, fragte er gewinnend. Die Frauen entschieden sich ohne viel Umschweife für Daiquiris und kurze Zeit später flirtete er mit seiner Chefin. Er war voll in seinem Element, denn endlich konnte er seinen männlichen Charme spielen lassen, ohne Angst vor einer Anzeige wegen sexueller Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz. Dann wechselte die Musik und aus den Lautsprechern der Diskothek drangen lateinamerikanische Salsaklänge.
„Kommst du mit zu mir?“, fragte seine Vorgesetzte, nachdem sie dem begeisterten Publikum gezeigt hatten, dass sie beide ausgezeichnete Tänzer waren. Er ließ sich nicht zweimal bitten. Er ging an die Bar und bestellte ein Taxi.
Ihre Wohnzimmer war geschmackvoll eingerichtet. „Dort ist die Bar, mach uns doch bitte einen Drink, während ich mich kurz frisch mache. Du findest mich dann im Schlafzimmer, da vorne links, die zweite Tür.“ Bei diesen Worten zeigte sie in Richtung des recht beeindruckenden Flurs.
Bei ihr
Er ging an die Hausbar und mixte zwei Gin Tonic. Er war mit dem Verlauf des Abends mehr als zufrieden. Der Rest würde reine Formsache sein. Er würde sie ordentlich rannehmen und sich ihre Liebesschwüre anhören. Alles weitere ergibt sich dann von ganz alleine. Gutgelaunt machte er sich auf den Weg in ihr Allerheiligste. Seine Chefin lag bereits auf dem riesigen Bett. Aus versteckten Lautsprechern klang leise Soulmusik.
Sie hatte ihren grazilen Körper lässig hingestreckt und strahlte eine Sinnlichkeit aus, die ihn sofort erregte. Die Dessous aus dunkelroter Spitze glichen dem Farbton ihrer steil aufgerichteten Brustwarzen. Ihr blondes Haar hob sich gegen ihre sonnengebräunte Haut ab. Aus ihren Augen strahlte eine unverhohlen Lust, die an Obszönität grenzte. Er stellte die Longdrinks auf dem kleinen Nachtschränkchen neben dem Bett ab. Sich im Takt der Musik wiegend, legte er einen heißen Männerstrip hin, bis er nackt vor ihr stand.
Ihr Blick fixierte seine Pupillen und wanderten dann langsam über seinen nackten Oberkörper zu den sich kräuselnden Haaren oberhalb seines Nabels, um sich dann auf seinen aufragenden Phallus zu heften. Langsam, fast lasziv spreizte sie ihre Schenkel, wobei sie ihre Hand aufreizend langsam in Richtung ihres Venushügels glitt. Als ihre schlanken Finger ihr Ziel erreichten, stöhnte sie leise auf. Das war sein Zeichen. Er würde sie nehmen. Gnadenlos würde er ihre Lust zu seinem Vorteil nutzen. Mit seinen bewährten Techniken würde er es ihr Lustzentrum zum Explodieren bringen.
Er zeigt was er kann
Without wasting any more words, he followed up with actions. He put a condom over his penis and lay down next to her on the bed. He took her in his arms and sealed her mouth with a kiss. Then he turned her body onto her back so that he was lying on top of her. Without hesitation, he took the shaft of his hard penis in his hand and moved his protected glans up and down her pussy until the latex coating was wet and slippery from her vaginal juice. Then he maneuvered his stiff penis right in front of her vaginal entrance and penetrated her. An intoxicating feeling spread through his body as he plunged into the moist tightness of her pussy. He began to move his pelvis rhythmically, getting up to speed pretty quickly. After a short, hard ride, he lay exhausted on his back and waited for his new conquest to snuggle up to him. That’s how it had always been with women so far and she wouldn’t behave any differently. He didn’t have to wait long before his boss was lying by his side and stroking his chest.
“You know, you have a great body and you can dance really well. Your manners are excellent and you make me laugh. But when it comes to sex, my dear, there’s still a lot of room for improvement.”
He was stunned and had to suppress the growing urge to flee with all his might. But that turned out to be a real stroke of luck for him. On that and the following nights, his boss also became his boss in bed. During this relationship, he learned all the little secrets of the female body and the necessary appreciation of the person that make a good lover.